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Join us...


Lancashire Shotokan Karate Academy currently operates from the following location:

LSKA Honbu Dojo - Pemberton Business Centre

Richmond Hill, Pemberton WN5 8AA

(inside the Black Scorpion Hall)

Instruction by Sensei Richard Pavšič 6th Dan

with assistance from  Sensei Stephen Bennett 1st Dan and Sensei David Presho 3rd Kyu.

Saturdays from 11am to 12 noon

Mondays from 6.30pm to 7.30pm

Friday Beginners 6.00pm to 6.45pm

Friday 7.00pmto 8.00pm

If you would like to make an enquiry in relation to joining LSKA, please contact the club secretary Linsey Pavšič on

07906 819178 or email her at  Your first class is free so you can try it out.


Booking is essential so please contact the secretary to reserve your place.


NAKMAS Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers & Young Students

Lancashire Shotokan Karate Academy, as a member of NAKMAS, operates in accordance to  a Code of Conduct which applies to all parents/carers and young students at any training session or other event.  It's purpose is to promote positive training and to protect students, parents and club staff from any unpleasant situations which may occur.


A copy of the NAKMAS Code of Conduct can be downloaded from the following link:

Parents/Carers - CLICK HERE

Young Students - CLICK HERE



Frequently Asked Questions:


Q. Is the club affiliated to a National Governing Body?

A. Yes - we are affiliated to NAKMAS


Q. Are there any other costs involved?

A. If you train for more than 4 weeks, you must have a karate licence which is also your insurance. NAKMAS will provide temporary cover for the first four weeks. The cost of a licence is £25 and it is renewable annually.


Q. What should I wear?

A. When you first start karate, you should wear loose comfortable clothing that allows free movement - a t shirt and tracksuit bottoms would be fine.  When you are ready, you can buy a karate suit or "gi" as it is called - the traditional white cotton suit.

Karate suits are sized in centimetres so you measure your height in centimetres and this is the size of the suit you need to buy.





© 2022 by Lancashire Shotokan Karate Academy

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