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Latest News

Bradley McCann graded to 1st Dan in December 2019 - congratulations Brad, very well deserved and little Braxson Rimmer was awarded the Katherine Cheshire Trophy for top grader in November 2019.
LSKA has moved to Pemberton Business Centre, using the dojo of Black Scorpion Karate. Class times and days have changed - please see Our Classes page for details
Korrigan Parr was awarded the Katherine Cheshire Trophy for Top Grader in August 2019

Stephen Bennett graded to 1st Dan in December 2018
Congratulations Stephen, you have worked hard and fully deserve it.
Third recipient of the Katherine Cheshire Trophy was Bradley McCann. He gave such a great performance at his 1st Kyu grading that there was no way it couldn't be his. Well done Brad, and well deserved

Ruby McManus was awarded the Katherine Cheshire Trophy for top grader at gradings on 8th December 2018.

Sensei Richard promoted to 6th Dan

On 25th April 2016, Sensei Richard was awarded the grade of 6th Dan by the NAKMAS National Management Committee.
Following a detailed application process and interview with Sensei Gary Smith of NAKMAS, he received the letter of confirmation and certificate a few days later.
He is very pleased to be awarded 6th Dan and looks forward to continuing to teach karate for many years to come.
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